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别克雪佛兰现代外观件、保险杠 、大灯 、挡泥板 、轮帽 、中网、消声器、尾灯、雾...


我公司是一家以汽车外观件为主打产品的专业公司,本公司地理位置优越、实力雄厚、经营理念先进、管理规范,以产品质量优良、价格超低、服务卓越著称于业内。公司本着为厂商提供一个庞大的销售平台,为客户提供一站式购齐服务的宗旨,愿与广大厂商及经销商强强联合,携手共创未来! 主营产品: 上海别克、雪佛兰、北京现代等畅销车型的外饰件:保险杠、大灯、后尾灯、雾灯、挡泥皮、轮帽、中网等及全车件,质优价廉. jinan to fortune auto co., ltd. is a vehicle to the appearance of the main pieces of playing professional products, the company location, strength, advanced management, standardize the management, product quality, ultra-low prices, excellent service, said the industry . in the company to provide manufacturers a huge marketing platform, providing customers with one-stop shopping service pures, with the hope that the overwhelming majority of manufacturers and distributors powerful alliances, to join hands to create a better future! main products: shanghai buick, chevrolet, the best-selling models such as beijing hyundai's exterior pieces: bumper, headlights, taillights after, fog lights, leather mud block, round hat, and so on the entire network of car parts, lower prices and better quality , factory direct sales. customers is our sincere god! and the quality of service is our eternal pursuit!

企业名称: 济南好运来汽配有限公司 企业类型: 企业单位 (贸易商)
所 在 地: 山东/济南 企业规模:
注册资本: 未填写 注册年份: 2000
保 证 金: 已缴纳 0.00
企业模式: 贸易商
所属范围: 别克雪佛兰现代外观件、保险杠 、大灯 、挡泥板 、轮帽 、中网、消声器、尾灯、雾灯等